Instructions Tips

How Do I Use A Menstrual Cup?
Menstrual cups are a relatively new concept and like anything else it takes practice. In the following section there are detailed instruction on how to successfully insert, remove, and clean your cup so you can become a pro in no time!
It’s Simple
Using the Mello Cup takes some practice but trust us, it’s so worth it! Being confident in your self and giving yourself grace is the key. Read the step-by-step instructions before use. You got this!
1). Wash your hands well.
2). Fold the cup into a c-shape (or shape of choice below) & wet with water for easy insertion.
3). Sit down and relax. Insert the cup with your finger in the middle of the c and the cup at the base of the vagina. Push upwards until it’s all the way in.
4). Pull the string until the cups is sitting as far down as it can comfortably go.
Removing the cup is easy with Mello Cup’s uniquely long string. Say bye-bye to the game of Go Fish, at least in this context!
5). Wash hands thoroughly.
6). Wear the cup up to 12 hours, not longer. Empty the cup every few hours as needed making sure to wash the cup with warm water or the foaming cup cleanser and rinse.
7). To remove the cup, brace down like you have to use the bathroom and push. Once the cup is towards the opening, use one hand to pull the string and one hand to catch the cup.
Before your first use and in between cycles sterilize the cup in the included sterilizer cup (pink).
1). Sterilize your cup. Place Mello cup inside of the pink Sterilizer cup and submerge it in boiling water for 2-5 minutes. Then set out to cool & dry completely before use.
2). Rinse cup in between using warm water and wash with the foaming cup cleanser as needed. Please note, do not use harsh cleansers or even soap as the silicone is porous. Ensure your hands are clean and free of allergens before handling the menstrual cup.
Dos, Don’ts,
and Tips

- Wash your hands before and after handling the cup.
- Wear added protection, such as period underwear or liners. Leaks can happen.
- Wash and empty the cup regularly to prevent overflow. Every 2-4 hours during a heavier flow.
- Make sure the cup is inserted up passed the mound and sitting as low as comfortably possible.
- Make sure the cup has popped open when inserted and a seal has formed to prevent leaks.

- Don’t wear the cup longer than 12 hours without cleaning it.
- Don’t go without added protection while wearing the cup. Depending on how you sit or lie down it may leak.
- Don’t use harsh cleansers to wash the cup including regular soaps. Since silicone is porous, it can absorb cleansing agents over time.
- Don’t forget to consult with your physician prior to use if you are wearing an IUD. Cups have been known to dislodge IUDs. If this is an issue consider a disc. They are a better alternative since they don’t use suction.
- Don’t give up. Practice makes perfect. Make sure to give this new experience a chance due to it’s many benefits.
- Don’t forget to love & accept yourself throughout the process.

- If you feel the cup, re-adjust by pushing it in or pulling it out more. The string should be sticking out by 1 or 2 beads when standing or not at all.
- Ensure the cup has popped open once inserted. You can do this by running a finger around the cup.
- Walking is proven to decrease PMS symptoms and lift your mood.
- If cramping, remove the cup until cramps subside.
- Carbs are fine on your period, it’s science.
- Learn the phases of your menstrual cycle to harness your inner warrior! Check out our blog post here: “Your Cycle is your Superpower: A Guide to Productivity and Well-Being Throughout your Menstrual Cycle.”
What is a menstrual cup?
It is a reusable feminine hygiene product that sits in the vaginal canal during your period. Used in place of tampons, the cool thing about cups is they come in all shapes in sizes and are usually made of latex, silicone, or rubber.
Is the cup safe?
Yes, the cup is safe. Mello Cup is made of 100% medical grade silicone and is FDA cleared. It is important to read all instructions and follow all safety precautions prior to use. Never wear the cup for more than 12 hours without removing it and washing it. Never use cleaning agents (other than the included menstrual cup cleanser) and never use chemicals on the cup. Discard immediately in the event of contamination.
Can I wash the cup with soap?
Do not use soap or harsh cleanser since the silicone is porous it can absorb cleansing agents. Mello Cup includes a cleanser made of all natural ingredients for this reason. Hot water works great too.
Does a Menstrual Cup Affect the Hymen?
No, using a menstrual cup does not affect your hymen or virginity.
Why is there only one product available?
We are currently in the testing phase and are working on adding additional sizes and products to our site including discs, period underwear, and more. So stay tuned!
Can i wear the cup during intercourse?
You should not wear the cup during intercourse and the cup does not prevent against pregnancy or STI’s. Please contact your physician regarding preventative measures.
How Long can i wear the cup?
You can wear the cup for up to 12 hours continuously. After 12 hours, make sure to remove and rinse the cup otherwise your risk of infection increases.
Is it Okay to use if i have an iud?
It is important to consult with your physician prior to wearing a menstrual cup if you have an IUD or plan to get one since every situation is different.
How is the cup environmentally friendly?
The average woman uses 11,000 tampons and pads in her lifetime. That’s a lot of waste. A cup is a better alternative. It is also a better for septic tanks and water streams.
can the cup cause TSS or Toxic Shock Syndrome?
Yes, TSS is a rare but serious risk. It is important to follow all instructions prior to use and do not wear the cup longer than 12 hours without cleaning it. Use the included hygiene products and sterilize your cup in between use. If you experience any of these symptoms remove the cup and contact your physician immediately: a high temperature, flu-like symptoms, diarrhea, a widespread sunburn-like rash, lips, tongue and the whites of the eyes turning a bright red, dizziness or fainting.
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